Our Online Zoom Team – keeping us going during the pandemic.
Helen Turchi helped spearhead the introduction of ZOOM with the online activities you enjoy today! Helen continues to be involved and has provided many educational groups along the way including Socials, art, assisting with Concerts and always an emphasis on Wellness activities. Helen has been with CLASS for 22 years and is also responsible for supporting our youth transitioning from High Schools into adult life and assisting with employment opportunities for those we support. Thank you for all you do Helen!
Stacy Thorp is a valuable member of the Zoom team offering many wonderful groups including ZUMBA which is well attended and lots of FUN. Also, popular are the Learn to Draw sessions which result in many wonderful works of art. The groups are actively learning ASL, and many can sign and recognize up to 200 words! Stacy has been with CLASS for 22 years and in addition to Zoom is also the BCP, Passages and FYI Senior Support Worker. Awesome job, Stacy!
Rene Hill has been with CLASS for 28 years and supports the Resource Centre day programs, Passages, and the Condo group home along with Zoom activities. Rene has a firm following of fans online who enjoy her Relaxation and educational Learning for Fun activities. Rene has also been a leader for many years with the Self-Advocates group which recently moved to Zoom ensuring those we support have a voice. Thank you, Rene!
Kayla Wratschko has been with CLASS for just over 5 years and is a full time Behaviour Analyst while also assisting with the Zoom program. Kayla provides instructional material on many topics within our Relationship groups. Adam Strong has also been involved in facilitating many of the sessions. Kayla and Adam, we appreciate your knowledge and support in building valuable relationships.
Diane Kruck is the backbone of the Zoom program organizing the weekly calendar and helping to provide a colourful assortment of activities, including a long list of Guest Speakers who have entertained the groups. Diane works towards her programs being educational and FUN. Her craft groups have provided a wonderful creative outlet for many, and the results have been astounding. She takes many photographs and helps to keep all informed. Diane has been with CLASS for 12 years helping to support the Day Programs at the Resource Centre with Passages and the FYI program. Great job, Diane!
Zelia Cota-Macool is our newest member of the Zoom Team covering the Monday and Friday socials. We welcome Zelia and her input with the groups. In addition, Zelia has been with CLASS for 19 years and is a part-time support worker assisting with the Bradford FYI program. We appreciate your efforts Zelia!
Past Zoom members who have contributed to the program we thank you! Including Linda Halfacree for her amazing and energetic music groups, Natalie for her enthusiasm and coverage during holidays, and Kristine for her past informative sessions with Helen.